B2B Website Content Guide Update: Improved Case Studies Worksheet

Published on Sept. 21, 2016 by Daniel Maratovic in Announcements, B2B Website Improvement

We are pleased to announce that our product, B2B Website Content Guide, received the first update with newly added content about case studies.

The updated worksheet for writing case studies guides the writer through all the topics that need to be addressed to complete a successful case study.

Now we've added more detailed examples and more thorough instructions on how to write that case study content.

We're continuously improving our own processes. Updating one out of dozens of worksheets included in the Guide is a direct result of working on marketing strategy and website content services with our clients.

Different clients were using our case study worksheet template in different ways, for example:

  • certain clients only wrote down the main ideas in the case study template, and hired us to write the entire case study (the worksheet was used as a content gathering tool);
  • other clients wrote the complete case study on their own, but used our case study writing template as a tool for structuring their content in the proper way.

Why Every B2B Company Should Write Case Studies

Case studies are one of the most influential content types for B2B companies. 2015 research by KoMarketing Associates found that 34% of B2B buyers said that case studies are the type of content most lacking on vendor websites.

We Have a Guide for Helping You Write Case Studies (and Other Website Content Types)

Our B2B Website Content Guide is a 70+ pages long DIY (do it yourself) guide / workbook that helps you write and organize content more easily. 

With it, you can easily create website content and make it more persuasive. It helps you write some of the following content:

  • product web pages
  • service web pages
  • support page
  • news and articles
  • and yes - case studies.